You Are Welcome

What is the congregation like?
A lot of our church community comes from Frisco, but we also draw folks from Collin, Denton and Dallas Counties. While we include people of all ages – from babies to seniors – Faithbridge has more younger members and families than many PCUSA congregations. We are affirming of all people and include members of the LGBTQ+ community in our church family. We continually strive for greater diversity as we partner with Christ toward the fulfilment of his kingdom of love, peace and justice.
What do you believe?
Our mission statement is simple: Love. Serve. Affirm.
In a nutshell:
We follow the God who, according to scripture, is love.
We proclaim God’s son, Jesus, as the one true messiah, who came to serve and save humanity.
We follow Jesus in affirming God’s love for all people. No exceptions.
We get the power for this important work through Christ’s Spirit, who lives in us.
We come together as a faith community to encourage and support one another, growing in our relationships with God and one another.
Faithbridge is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States. Presbyterians believe that we are in this together – that every one of us is connected to God and to one another through Christ. We are family.
What time should I show up?
Worship starts at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. Most people show up between 10 and 10:30 to visit and grab a cup of coffee. Other activities may be scheduled before or after worship, or on other days of the week. For the most up-to-date information, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages.

What should I expect when I show up?
A casual community that will welcome you warmly and help make sure you feel at home without crowding you.
What should I wear?
What are you wearing? Seriously – Faithbridge is a “come as you are” community. You’ll never feel out of place in jeans, slacks, shorts or a sundress.
Are my kids welcome?
Yes! Children are always welcome in the sanctuary and at all church functions. Kids have their own sermon, “A Time for Young Disciples,” each Sunday. While we believe nothing expresses the joy of Christ better than a babbling baby or toddler, if you would worship more comfortably without having to care for your little ones, we offer nursery care for infants through preschoolers. Rest assured that anyone who works with children or youth at Faithbridge has been background checked for your children’s safety (and your peace of mind). Changing tables are available in both the men’s and women’s bathrooms.

How will I follow what’s going on?
We offer a bulletin as you enter the building, but you don’t really need it to follow along. The entire service is on slides that feature song lyrics, prayers and graphics to help you participate fully.
Can I take communion?
We don’t think Jesus asked for ID before welcoming people to his table. In that same spirit of hospitality, everyone is welcome to share in communion, which is offered the first Sunday of each month and at other special services throughout the year.
Usually, people are invited forward to take bread and dip it in a cup of grape juice, symbolizing Christ as the bread of life and the cup of salvation. There is always a gluten-free option. If you are unable to come forward, we will bring the sacrament to you.
Is your property accessible?
Our church property at 10930 College Parkway is single-story and offers handicapped parking (for cars and vans) with ramps to the entryway. Hallways and doors are wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter and accessible stalls are included in each bathroom. Even our playground features ramp access.

Do I have to be a member to participate?
Not at all! While we believe that becoming a member strengthens a person’s connection to Christ’s church, everyone is welcome to participate in all events, from worship to mission to meals.
What do I do if I want to join?
It’s simple: Come talk with the pastor or one of our elders after worship or email the pastor ( We will gather our Session (congregational ruling body) to receive you. If you haven’t yet been baptized, you can join by receiving the sacrament of baptism. If you are currently a member of another church, we can ask that church to send a letter of transfer. If you haven’t been in church for a while, no problem. You can reaffirm your baptismal promise to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
What if I have more questions?
Talk with our pastor or one of our elders after worship or send an email with your questions. Presbyterians love questions! We believe a questioning faith is a growing faith.